Digital Lending Guidelines

1. Introduction

LTCV is committed to providing business loans through our digital lending platform while adhering to responsible and ethical lending practices. These Digital Lending Guidelines for Business Loans outline our lending principles, procedures, and responsibilities.

2. Legal Compliance

  • 2.1 Regulatory Adherence: LTCV will operate in full compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, regulations, and licensing requirements governing business lending, consumer protection, and data privacy.
  • 2.2 Licensing: We will obtain all necessary licenses and permits to legally operate as a digital lending platform for business loans in our jurisdiction.

3. Responsible Lending Practices

  • 3.1 Fair and Transparent: We will ensure that our lending practices for business loans are fair, transparent, and fully disclosed to borrowers. Loan terms, interest rates, and fees will be presented clearly to borrowers before any loan agreement.
  • 3.2 Affordability Assessment: LTCV will conduct a thorough affordability assessment to determine a borrower's ability to repay the business loan without causing financial distress.
  • 3.3 No Predatory Practices: We commit to not engaging in any predatory lending practices for business loans, including loan flipping, repeated extensions of credit, or excessive fees.

4. Data Privacy and Security

  • 4.1 Data Protection: LTCV will maintain the highest standards of data privacy and security in accordance with applicable data protection laws. We will collect, store, and process borrower data responsibly and securely.
  • 4.2 Data Consent: Business loan borrowers will be required to provide explicit consent for the collection and use of their personal and financial information. We will not share borrower data without their consent, except as required by law.

5. Fair Treatment of Business Borrowers

  • 5.1 No Discrimination: We will not discriminate against business borrowers on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic.
  • 5.2 Transparent Terms: All business loan agreements, including terms, conditions, and repayment schedules, will be provided to borrowers in a clear and easily understandable manner.

6. Collections and Defaults

  • 6.1 Collections Practices: LTCV will follow ethical and legal collections practices for business loans. We will provide business borrowers with reasonable opportunities to address loan defaults.
  • 6.2 Default Prevention: We will make reasonable efforts to work with business borrowers to prevent loan defaults whenever possible.

7. Risk Management

7.1 Risk Assessment: LTCV will conduct regular risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential risks associated with our business lending activities.

8. Continual Improvement

8.1 Policy Review: These Guidelines will be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary to adapt to changes in regulations, market conditions, and business operations.

9. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding these Digital Lending Guidelines for Business Loans, please contact us at